Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 2

Renoir, "Ball at the Moulin de la Galette", 1876

WEEK 2: Impressionist Visions: New Worlds, New Subjects, New Effects/Affects

This week we'll explore the remaking/rebuilding of Paris through the destructive brilliance of Baron Haussmann and the Imperial ego of Napoleon III-- sample new modes of living, consuming, looking and loving from cafés-concert and les maisons closes (brothels) to the Hippodrome and les expositions universelles (world's fairs)-- and finally we'll listen in to the response of critics and collectors alike as they declaim on this radical new way of ENVISIONING THE MODERN METROPOLE!

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page found at the link above,  you will see a link to each of the exhibitions!

Learn more about the painter Caillbotte and the rebuilding of Paris with Prof. Kenney Mencher (check out his many wonderful art history videos on Youtube)

Learn more about Belle Epoque Paris from Yale professor John Merriman, a world authority on France in the 19th century.

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